Corporate social responsibility

Businesses, governments and consumers altogether are accountable for making the right choices when it comes to producing, selling, buying and consuming of products. Van Wylick Wegdek-reflectoren BV is aware of the fact that – also as a SME – we have to take part in taking care of human and environment. Van Wylick anticipates on realizing its ambitions of corporate social responsibility.

Our solid glass road studs and Lunar road studs are sustainable products in principle. Both can see to an enormous saving of energy, especially in situations where lampposts are no longer necessary. Investment costs are relatively high in comparison to synthetic products – although, costs are low in comparison to the installation of streetlights – and exploitation costs are minimal.

CSR Netherlands (MVO Nederland)

Because of the obvious sustainability aspect of our products, we want to conduct all our business practices more sustainably as well. Van Wylick Wegdekreflectoren BV is a partner of MVO Nederland, to help us in realizing ambitions regarding this process. MVO Nederland is a knowledge and network organization that inspires, connects and strengthens companies and sectors in the field of corporate social responsibility. Here we can find information and expertise. Van Wylick communicates publicly about its CSR position on its partner profile published via MVO Nederland.

CO2 reduction and Gold Standard Compensation

In essence, road studs are energy saving products. In addition, we want to contribute as minimally as possible to CO2 emissions and to invest in renewable energy. Since 2012, Van Wylick has chosen to compensate its entire company-wide CO2 emissions via Climate Neutral Group (CNG). Our ambition is to reduce our CO2emissions and to continue to compensate the remaining emissions.

Van Wylick compensates via Gold Standard certified carbon credits. Gold Standard is the strictest standard for CO2 reduction projects. This standard has been developed by a group of non-governmental organizations, headed by the World Wide Fund for Nature. It supports projects that, in addition to the Clean Development Method standard requirements, also provide a measurable contribution to local sustainable development. In other words, those CO2 credits are reliable and local communities profit as well.

CSR proces

Corporate social responsibility is a process. The first step within our CSR policy was the compensation of all our CO2 emissions. Although every company is responsible for its actions, this responsibility doesn’t stop at our own back door. We want to map our suppliers and products and, if possible, strive towards sustainability together. We use our MVO MAPS tool to indicate where we can start improving.